Sunday, July 12, 2015

A plea from my heart...

Can I throw something out into the open

I am 100% pro life
I believe that each precious life growing within the womb is valuable
and that God has purpose for them.

I also believe that in order to be truly pro life
you MUST also be pro adoption.


You cannot be for one and then not for the other
because adoption is the only answer for some of these children

I also believe that you must actively participate in both causes.

John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

This of course is Jesus talking to His disciples, but it is an example we are to follow.

James 1:27
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father,
is this: to visit orphans and windows in their affliction, and to keep oneself
unstained from the world.

Religion, most people cringe at that word, I do as well... Because I believe I have a 
relationship with my Savior, not a religion, but you know what, the religion part is what
stems from having that relationship... My actions reflect my relationship hence; Religion.

I know, heavy statement.
Heavier than most people can begin to imagine.

Here is the truth, unless you can provide an answer for a problem,
it's worthless to complain about it.

We should support those women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy
not just until they give birth, or get a job, or whatever might help
but for always; we MUST stand alongside single moms if they will allow it.

But the truth is, some of these women cannot or should not raise children.
We cannot condemn them for their circumstances, but we can come in
and provide for those children who become orphaned.

With 3 adopted children, who each have such incredibly different stories
I have come to see so many angles of adoption 
but the one over arching thing I see is that God is PRO adoption.

It's how He loves us...
and it's a huge part of how He solves the abortion problem.

We MUST take part in it in order to truly be FOR it.

Now, I'm not saying everyone is called to adopt,
because not everyone is.

But everyone who is pro life must be also pro adoption

Let me tell you, there are people who should not be parents.
People who do more harm than good
People who make foolish choices and break the hearts of children.

But God redeems and God is good
He is pro adoption.

Be part of the solution
Here is how:

1. Pray... pray pray pray pray... Pray for these children, both unborn and born who are 
alone and orphaned.

2. Support adoptive families, this is NOT for the faint of heart and takes every last 
ounce of all the adoptive parents have to give and then some.
FILL those parents up!

3. Support those parenting alone

4. Donate, help out agencies & families & orphan care

5. take classes to understand the complexities of what these children in our
 foster care system are facing. (yes, even if you have NO intention of adopting)

6. Consider adoption;
but don't go in with blinders on, this is the REAL stuff folks, there will always
be grief in adoption no matter when or how it happens;
because for there to be the need, there has been a loss.
If the child is older, there WILL be trauma. They will ALL act out
on the loss and trauma at some point or another and they will wrestle.
You can't allow yourself to be disgusted or over-reactive to ANYTHING... 

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