Today I have an amazing guest post by this little guy's mama!
Both she and her superman are AMAZING!
Enjoy... Along with a few pictures from the session I did with him last week.
Every word is true, his smile lifted my straight out of the pits while dealing with the grief from
new diagnosis for my own special needs kiddos!
I LOVE this boy!
13 month old James Jr loves to pose like superman. He doesn’t know yet how much he holds in common with Superman. Not only has he overcome many obstacles, he is a guy who continually brings good to those around him. His smile can brighten the darkest moments. He goes through trial after trial with little to no crying or fussing, but smiles readily instead. He teaches me that we have a choice to make daily….smile or frown, joy or grumbling.
Baby James has Down syndrome.

Being a special needs mom is tougher than I thought it would be, but it’s also more rewarding. I get to celebrate really small milestones I never noticed in my biological kids. I get to see miracles happen (literally!). I get to be shaped to be more selfless and more like my Father in Heaven. I get to see what it’s like to be at the bottom, powerless to do anything else, and be lifted back up, renewed and refreshed, just by asking “where are you, Lord?” and hearing, “I’m here.” And realizing just the fact that He is with me is enough. God is enough. I may not be enough for today, but my God sweeps in like “superman” and rescues me. He rescues my children when I’m empty and just need a minute to sit and stare blankly outside. He rescues me by keeping them from destroying each other while I spend the 10th hour that week on the phone with some specialist or provider for James. God is enough.
James is worth it all. I would never go back. I would never trade his life to make mine easier. I am so blessed to fight alongside him and see what God does.

For those of you who know families with children who have special needs, I encourage you to step out from time to time and offer a meal, baby sitting, housework, rides for the other kids to get somewhere, etc. The extras the parents face can be overwhelming. It’s really a lot more on their plate than you would think. Also, know that we often don’t know what help we need. We are continually going, going, going. We don’t even know how to take a break anymore. But we need time to invest in our marriages and in our other children as well. Pray for us. Help where you can. Build us up with encouraging words, not criticisms. If you have gone through a similar situation, offer suggestions of what we can ask/advocate for. We sometimes don’t know what to do next, but we know something needs to be done. If you don’t have experience, though, be careful how you phrase suggestions. They can bite.
Without James Jr, I would never know how blessed it have become an adoptive mom, or how blessed it is to be a special needs mom. The community of other special needs parents, siblings, and children are beyond uplifting! They are treasures, they are breaths of life. They are some of the most amazing people you will ever meet. How wonderful that I can be a part of that group! How wonderful God chose me to be James Jr’s mom. I hope when you see me, you don’t see how tired I am, but you’ll see how full of joy I am to be where I am. There is nothing quite as good as the life God has given us! See our smiles and know they are genuine because of what God is doing in and through us. Thank you for praying. Please continue to pray for us all.
Our life is “super”!
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