Saturday, February 27, 2016

move forward Church...

I'm upset. 
Now, upset is putting it quite mildly. 

I'm upset with the way that our country as a whole cares for orphans
We generally suck.

Yep, I just said that.

Church, you have got to wake up;
you have got to step in and take the care of these precious fragile children back.

It's our job

Seriously, I hear all the time "well I just don't know how that would work"

Guess what; me either, 
but how about we stop scratching our heads and
figure it out
and do it before yet another child falls into state custody.

I get it, they try... sorta, but the truth is, they lie a lot too.
They don't believe in telling the truth, believe me... 
we've been there and we've been asked to lie. 
Thankfully the Lord interfered with the social workers best plans and 
prevented us from being expected to lie to our daughter.

But I still feel appalled that we were even asked to lie to her.

We need to really figure out from a biblical perspective HOW to reach out
to these hurting, traumatized children and show them 
unconditional love. 

Not just, hey you live here until you screw up to big; and then we'll move you again.

No, these kids need parents who are TRAINED, not warned and scared
but actually trained how to parent these kids
to understand the manipulation and lies and rages that comes from them
and meet them in a correct way to help these kids learn to heal.

Not this garbage of saying "well, it's not their fault" blah blah blah...

We HAVE got to prepare foster and adoptive families better church, 
we need to get our backsides into gear and support those who are called to adopt better.
Educate ourselves so that we too can see the manipulation and stand alongside
the families that have taken on a seemingly insurmountable task.

 it CAN be done, it just requires a whole lot of sacrifice on our part.
we have to give up the "american dream" so to speak, because life after trauma
is not an easy polished pretty picture on your wall.

It's hours upon hours; years upon years
 of agonizing and processing and repeating the same lessons
and forgiveness and love
over and over again with a huge possibility of no return ever.
But it's worth it...

Please Church, wake up, start taking this back over.
I'm not going to lie, it will be one of the hardest things you do
but redemption though costly bloody and ugly is the most beautiful thing in this entire world...

Remember, you've been redeemed through Christ...
now turn around and be 
His hands and feet the children who need to
be given the same? 

I don't have all the answers, but there ARE Christians out there who ARE figuring this out
need resources? 

Here are a few:

(which I am a coordinator for, so feel free to shoot any questions my way!) 

Anything by Karyn Purvis is a great tool

I'm partway through reading a book that I also find helpful from a biblical perspective:

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